Unleash what’s possible

Rony Mathew

Head of IM New Business and In-force Technology Transformation


Guardian colleague since 2007

Rony was nominated by Domenica Grittani for his hard work supporting and leading the IM technology transformation efforts.

Rony stepped up to lead the Product & Administration migration to Accenture’s Life Insurance Platform (ALIP) and collaborated across teams to ensure the project stayed on track and on time.​ 

What Domenica Grittani had to say
After being asked to step up, Rony rallied the team to understand the current state, the obstacles they faced and collaborated with the vendor and internal teams to address every issue. A seasoned leader, Rony actively sought and listened to diverse perspectives across the highly talented technology team and all stakeholders to get a holistic appreciation of the situation. He was successful by maintaining a team culture of trust, mutual professional respect, and accountability.
What Rony had to say
The success of this work is a credit to the entire team and their efforts. They know what has to get done and I’m always there to support and guide them. This recognition speaks to the relationships we have with one another and our partnership with our partners in the business.

About Rony

Office location: Holmdel, New Jersey

With three young children, Rony spends the majority of his time outside of work with his family.

Rony’s top 5 sports teams


Giants (NFL)


Eagles (NFL)


Chiefs (NFL)


Golden State Warriors (NBA)


Manchester United (Soccer)

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