Unleash what’s possible

Piyush Kandhari

Senior Delivery Manager, Customer Service


Guardian colleague since 2016

Piyush was nominated by Amarjot Singh Brar for his hard work leading the India CRU Teams, specifically Group Benefits emails for Brokers and Planholders and chat for Members and Providers.

Piyush’s leadership in the digital transformation journey drove significant improvements across several digital platforms (Hugo and Airkit) and also improved turnaround times with Brokers and Planholders.

What Amarjot Singh Brar had to say
Piyush developed and led a team that transformed their business across every lever, which allowed the broker experience to visibly shift in 2023. He has and continues to play a pivotal role in the digital transformation journey for Guardian and enabled the “WOW the consumer” priority for Guardian.
What Piyush had to say
I feel so valued and appreciative of this recognition. It’s my pleasure to contribute to improving the consumer experience for Guardian. I truly enjoy being able to live by our Values and deliver for those we serve.

About Piyush

Office location: Gurgaon

Currently resides in: Gurgaon

A father of two young children (a 6-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son), Piyush treasures the time he spends with his entire family outside of work. He also enjoys watching and playing cricket.

In an effort to stay fit and motivated, Piyush dedicates 30 minutes each day to walking and jogging.

Active in his community, Piyush can be found giving back each month in various ways.

Piyush’s top 5 sports teams


Indian Cricket Team


Manchester United (Soccer)


Golden State Warriors (Basketball)


Real Madrid (Soccer)


France’s Men’s National Soccer Team

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