Unleash what’s possible

Eldridge Jean Alexander

Cultural Transformation Leader

Human Resources

Guardian colleague since 2016

Eldridge was nominated by Debra Zoppy for her hard work promoting and leading the J.E.D.I. program for Guardian colleagues.

Eldridge’s leadership and passion in championing the changing culture and promoting authenticity at Guardian have created a safe place to share and grow for every colleague who participates in the J.E.D.I. program.

What Debra Zoppy had to say
Eldridge’s willingness to be vulnerable and to bring her authentic self to work every day and share her story with literally hundreds of colleagues is remarkable. She has created a “safe” place to share and grow for all that participate in the J.E.D.I. program. She has gone above and beyond, not just to promote the availability of this program, but she continually goes out of her way to make herself available to each and every participant to coach, guide, and simply listen to them.
What Eldridge had to say
This recognition means so much to me, as it validates that I’m doing the right thing, for the right company. This work is an everyday part of who I am inside and out. I’m so excited to continue to make great progress through the lens of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion for every Guardian colleague and those we serve.

About Eldridge

Office location: Appleton

Currently resides in: Chicago native, currently in Appleton

A former fitness teacher, Eldridge stays active to keep her mind and body sound.

For the past four years, she’s cohosted a YouTube Show called V.O.I.C.E.S. RandomISH, where she talks about the hidden good in the community and connections between pop culture, events, and fashion. Since the pandemic, she’s started a fully sustainable clothing company called Your Geer, where every purchase donates $5.00 to a charity.

Active in the community, Eldridge also does media work for a local nonprofit called People of Progression, which empowers families to ensure their issues, concerns, and values are represented in their communities.

Eldridge’s top 5 movies


The Godfather Part III


The Godfather Part II


Carlito’s Way


Next Friday



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